Category: Impact Stories
Puerto Rico is a complicated place. Of course, there’s its relationship with the United States. A territory for more than...
Full Circle
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From receiving to giving, the Brown family shares a full circle moment with Soles4Souls!
One of the most rewarding...
A Full Circle Moment in Transnistria
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Lena Ahremtseva was raised in a Transnistrian orphanage with 200 other children from birth through the age of 16.
Helping is Healing
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Distributing shoes to some of the world’s poorest communities is impactful in many ways. There’s of course, the gift itself,...
Providing New Shoes, Protection and Hope at a Dump in Guatemala
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Those who help us distribute the gift of shoes around the world work hard to understand the concept of “extreme poverty”....
There is No “I” in Team
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There’s no I in team. This well-known phrase reminds us to come together as a team to accomplish a goal.
Our goal of breaking...
Change is Possible
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This past holiday season, we had three amazing families leave the comforts of their homes to celebrate the season with...
Sometimes One Word Says It All
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A lot happens on our international shoe distributions. There’s the obvious process itself, of course.
Men, women and even...
Helping Women in Need Step Toward a Brighter Future
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Soles4Souls teamed up with Toronto non-profit, Sistering to distribute 400 pairs of Ardene shoes donated by the Ardene...
Not Your Typical Teenage Boy
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Max is not a typical teenage boy. And that’s exactly what his mother hoped.
Jeni Olsen wanted her son to understand and...