Serving the Underserved
While serving those in need of immediate relief will always be a fundamental part of our impact, creating sustainable employment opportunities for people in need is essential to finding a long-term solution to poverty. Soles4Souls has direct micro-enterprise operations in Haiti, Honduras, Transnistria and Sierra Leone, and we have witnessed firsthand the positive impact our programs have in these struggling economies.
Because of this, we have also long known that establishing a partnership in Nicaragua, the poorest country in Central America, is essential to our mission. Approximately 30% of people in Nicaragua live on less than $1.90 a day, making Nicaragua the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. is percentage is even more extreme in remote areas, where job opportunities are scarce and access to resources is limited.
Recognizing the drastic need for opportunity in these areas is the easy part. The establishment of a project of this scope, however, is not as simple. It requires extensive country research, logistical planning and partner vetting. Furthermore, it relies on support from our donors. And without one donor in particular, our launch in Nicaragua would not have been possible. Soles4Souls Board Member Bernadette Lane and her recent financial contribution, in honor of her late mother, were the catalyst necessary to launch this new operation.
Bernadette’s mother, Annice Lane, had a generous spirit that impacted those far beyond her local community in rural Iowa. She had a philanthropic heart, an affinity for Latin American countries and was committed to supporting organizations that empowered mothers and migrant workers, and helped children. Because of Bernadette’s generous gift, her mother’s legacy will drive change and a better quality of life for generations of Nicaraguans.