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It’s Back4School!

With your support, we’ll send 5K kiddos back to
class with new kicks.

Helping kids experiencing homelessness
step into a brighter future.

When your family lacks stable housing, new school shoes get pushed down the list of financial priorities. 
That means kids experiencing homelessness start the year with less confidence than they could. 

Together, we can provide them with new shoes for a fresh start.

95% of shoe recipients
feel more confident

80% feel more equal
to their peers

79% have an increase
in physical activity

54% attend school more 
and 67% get better grades

Kids love new kicks.

“I just want to go show my shoes
to everyone!”

-1st Grader, Magazine School District, Arkansas

“I feel better about myself.”

-17 year old, Madison, WI

“These make me feel powerful.”

-18 year old, Las Vegas, NV

“They make me feel real good.”

-9 year old, St. Louis, MO

All kids deserve new shoes for school.

Buy brand-new, name-brand athletic shoes for kids
experiencing homelessness.

Thanks to the generous support of our big-hearted partners, each pair costs just $20!

There are many ways to partner with Soles4Souls.

Round Up, POS, and Reward Dollars
Employee & Company Match