5 Tips for Spring Cleaning
Spring has sprung and for many of us, it’s time to get our clean on! It’s a time to take out the old and bring in the new, or ask ourselves “does this spark joy?” With a year like 2020 behind us, there’s more reason than ever to cleanse ourselves of the things we don’t need. And if there’s one thing we know here at Soles4Souls, something as simple as a pair of shoes we no longer wear has the potential to offer way more to someone in need. It’s safe to say we are specialists in cleaning out closets, so here are a few of our tips and tricks to how you can organize your shoes and clothing:
1. Start with 3 piles: Keep, donate or “throw away”
For any clothes or shoes that no longer fit or haven’t been worn the last 6 months, consider donating to a charity like Soles4Souls. Not only are you giving them a second life, but you’re keeping them out of landfills and providing opportunities to entrepreneurs in countries like Honduras and Haiti.
You may be thinking, “But what do I do with clothing that’s torn or stained?” Companies like the American Textile Recycling Services collect clothing and shoe donations at drop-off locations, then sort through everything. There are also plenty of websites, like Recycle Now, that help you find bins in your area. According to RecycleBank, clothing made of cotton and other natural fibers can be composted, as long as they aren’t blended with synthetic fibers like polyester. Overall, it’s a little extra work, but there are so many options for items that can’t be donated.
2. Organize for the seasons
Trying to keep everything we wear year-round in one space can get overwhelming, and can often times allow us to forget what we have. Purchasing some storage bins can help reduce the clutter and, with the changing seasons, allows you to regularly upkeep your closet’s organization.
3. Keep your shoes off the floor!
Unorganized shoes can make or break a closet visually. Utilizing empty wall space with dividers or racks can make a big difference in making room for long-hanging items, like suits and dresses.
4. Sort your items by category
Organizing by activities, like work, gym, and casual can make it much easier and more time-efficient when getting ready in the morning. And if you’re feeling extra crazy, organizing by color can really take your closet organization to the next level. For a clean look, we recommend non-slip hangers.
5. Keep the edit going
It’s easy to do a big closet clean-out once and not want to revisit it for months… maybe years. But instead of coming across a shirt or shoes you no longer wear and putting it back where you found it, we recommend setting it aside in a small basket until it’s full and ready to donate– it makes the upkeep way easier!
Spring cleaning, or specifically closet cleaning, doesn’t need to be a big ordeal. With a few tips and tricks, you can knock it out in just an hour or two. It’s amazing to see what a clean closet can do to boost your mood. It can even help reduce stress in navigating your day-to-day. When it’s all said and done, taking some time to organize your space can benefit so many others through your donations. Find a drop-off location near you or ship your donations to us for free through Zappos for Good!