Inspired by Kindness
On September 26, Maya Reiter will be hosting a no-contact drive-thru shoe drive as she gets closer to her 25k goal. For nearly two years, the teen and her mom, Deanna have been collecting shoes in Ontario, Canada, and they’re only 7,000 pairs short of their goal.
Maya and Deanna were inspired after watching the documentary, The Kindness Series, which features Leon Logothetis, who travels the world with only a vintage motorbike and finds shelter and food through the kindness of strangers. To thank them, he gives back in big ways. One moment that stood out to Maya was when he gave books, sporting equipment and a water filtration system to an orphanage in India. She was left inspired by the series, and decided she wanted to give back in her own way.
“I just feel great that I’m doing something good for the world and that I can do it with my mom because we’re partners,” said Maya.
Since starting, Maya has gotten her school involved, as well as local businesses, and even her grandmother. This Saturday, her drive-thru collection will be sponsored and hosted by The Whip Boxing Academy in Waterloo.
“It’s intimidating… It’s a lot of shoes, but we’re working on it. I’m incredibly proud of her,” said Deanna.
Once Maya and Deanna reach their goal, they will have earned a trip to one of the countries Soles4Souls serves in, and will be able to participate in the distribution of new shoes to people in need and meet some of our micro-entrepreneurs.
To learn how you can start your own drive here.