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You Can Change The World, One Person At A Time

Hello! My name is Denise, and I am on the Soles4Souls Global Experiences Team. I have the privilege of facilitating several of our travel trips a year, and even more so, the honor of being present with both our travelers and shoe recipients in country. One of my favorite pastimes is listening to a person share their story because in the end, we all have one.

The responsibility to “change the world” can seem overwhelming and burdensome and often hinders people from contributing to social good. Therefore, I am a firm believer in going after the one and not the multitudes. The crowds seem more efficient and effective to meet a need, and in some cases, it is, but focusing on being present with the one person in front of you brings more value and relational investment that otherwise may be missed.

The magnificent power of the one is a ripple effect, and before we know it, the world around us influenced.
Get comfortable, and meet my friend, Regina, who is the epitome of joy!

Regina and I crossed paths in March at a feeding program with a fellow organization, Mis Manos Tus Manos, in Chiquimula that faithfully invest in meeting the community’s basic needs surrounding the Chiquimula garbage dump. I saw Regina from a distance patiently waiting to be served a tipico breakfast (eggs, beans with sour cream, and a piece of bread).

Moments later, I sat next to her and began to converse about life. She continued to detail that her daily commute consisted of a roundtrip 10-mile walk to pick and sell metal out of the dump in the attempt to scrap $20.​00/ month to care for her family. Regina’s husband died 20+ years ago, and since then she’s the sole provider for her children and grandchildren.

Fast forward to October 2019, I returned to Chiquimula on another Global Experience with hopes that my sister (Regina) and I would see each other again.

As an effort not to overly saturate our serviced communities, we refrain from returning within the same year. With that in mind, I knew it would be unlikely to run into her.

Unbeknownst to be at the time, at the following distribution, Regina was there waiting to be fitted. Once I saw her, I couldn’t contain myself and my heart swelled up. Her presence is delightful and full of joy! No doubt that is she is relationally wealthy; the people love and protect her. She’s a gift to the world, and in the midst of her lack, is she impacting those around her. You, friend, have the ability to do the same!!